Daily Kotlin - 오버로딩, 오버라이딩, this, super, inner 클래스, public, protected, internal, public

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  • 오버로딩
package chap05.section3

fun main() {
    val calc = Calc()
    println(calc.add(3.14, 2.71))
    println(calc.add(1, 2, 3))
    println(calc.add("Hello ", "Kotlin"))

class Calc {
    fun add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
    fun add(x: Double, y: Double): Double = x + y
    fun add(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): Int = x + y + z
    fun add(x: String, y: String): String = x + y
  • 오버라이딩

override 키워드를 통해 오버라이딩

package chap05.section3.override

open class Bird(var name: String, var wing: Int, var beak: String, var color: String) {
    fun fly() = println("Fly wing: $wing")
    open fun sing(vol: Int) = println("Sing vol: $vol")

class Parrot(name: String, wing: Int = 2, beak: String, color: String, var language: String = "natural"): Bird(name, wing, beak, color) {
    fun speak() = println("Speak! $language")
    override fun sing(vol: Int) {
        println("I'm a parrot! The volume level is $vol")

fun main() {
    val parrot = Parrot(name = "myparrot", beak = "short", color = "multiple")
    parrot.language = "English"
I'm a parrot! The volume level is 5
Speak! English
  • this, super
package chap05.section4.personthis

open class Person {
    constructor(firstName: String) {
        println("[Person] firstname : $firstName")
    constructor(firstName: String, age: Int) {
        println("[Person] firstname : $firstName, $age")

class Developer: Person {
    constructor(firstName: String): this(firstName, 10) {
        println("[Developer] $firstName")
    constructor(firstName: String, age: Int): super(firstName, age) {
        println("[Developer] $firstName, $age")

fun main() {
    val sean = Developer("Sean")
[Person] firstname : Sean, 10
[Developer] Sean, 10
[Developer] Sean
  • inner 클래스에서 바깥 클래스 접근
package chap05.section4.innerref

open class Base {
    open val x: Int = 1
    open fun f() = println("Base Class f()")

class Child: Base() {
    override val x: Int = super.x + 1
    override fun f() = println("Child Class f()")

    inner class Inside {
        fun f() = println("Inside Class f()")
        fun test() {
            println("[Inside] super@Child.x: ${super@Child.x}")

fun main() {
    val c1 = Child()
Inside Class f()
Child Class f()
Base Class f()
[Inside] super@Child.x: 1
  • 가시성 지시자 선언하지 않을 시 public이 기본

  • private

package chap05.section5

private class PrivateClass {
    private var i = 1
    private fun privateFunc() {
        i += 1
    fun access() {

class otherClass {
    //val opc = PrivateClass()
    fun test() {
        val pc = PrivateClass()

fun main() {
    val pc = PrivateClass()

fun TopFunction() {
    val tpc = PrivateClass()
  • protected
package chap05.section5

open class Base { //최상위(open) 클래스에는 protected 사용 불가
    protected var i = 1
    protected fun protectedFunc() {
        i += 1 //접근 허용
    fun access() {
        protectedFunc() //접근 허용
    protected class Nested //내부 클래스에는 protected 허용

class Derived: Base() {
    fun test(base: Base): Int {
        protectedFunc() //Base 클래스의 메소드 접근 가능
        return i //Base 클래스의 property 접근 가능

fun main() {
    val base = Base() // 생성 가능
    //base.i // 접근 불가능
    //base.protectedFunc() // 접근 불가능
    base.access() // 접근 가능

  • internal
package chap05.section5

internal class InternalClass {
    internal var i = 1
    internal fun icFunc() {
        i += 1 //접근 허용
    fun access() {
        icFunc() //접근 허용

class Other {
    internal val ic = InternalClass() //internal로 해야만 접근 가능
    fun test() {
        ic.i //접근 허용
        ic.icFunc() //접근 허용 

fun main() {
    val mic = InternalClass() // 생성 가능
    mic.i // 접근 허용
    mic.icFunc() // 접근 허용


