AVL Tree 01. AVL Tree 설명 및 의사코드
AVL Tree
기본적인 구조는 BST와 유사
- 러시아 수학자 G. M. Adelson-Velskii와 E. M. Landis 의 이름을 따서 만든 트리
AVL 트리를 사용하는 이유
BST를 사용하는 경우, 최악의 경우 탐색의 시간복잡도가 O(N)까지 갈 수 있음
AVL의 Balancing을 사용하여 탐색의 시간복잡도를 O(lg N)으로 줄임
AVL 트리는 각각의 노드들에서 +1, 0, -1의 balance factor를 가짐
AVL 트리의 삽입 과정
Left of Left
root의 balance factor가 +2 이므로 right rotation을 시행
- Simple right rotation
- Complex right rotation
Right of Right
root의 balance factor가 -2 이므로 left rotation을 시행
- Simple left rotation
- Complex left rotation
Right of Left
- Simple double rotation right
- Complex double rotation right
Left of Right
- Simple double rotation right
- Complex double rotation right
삽입 (insert)
function AVLInsert (root, newData):
if subtree is empty:
insert newData as root
return root
if newData < root:
AVLInsert (left subtree, newData)
if left subtree is taller:
leftBalance (root)
AVLInsert (right subtree, newData)
if right subtree is taller:
rightBalance (root)
return root
삭제 (Delete)
function AVLDelete (root, dltKey, success):
if subtree is empty:
set success to false
return null
if dltKey < root:
set left subtree to AVLDelete (left subtree, dltKey, success)
if tree is shorter:
set root to deleteRightBalance (root)
else if dltKey > root:
set right subtree to AVLDelete (right subtree, dltKey, success)
if tree is shorter:
set root to deleteLeftBalance (root)
save root
if no right subtree:
set success to true
return left subtree
else if no left subtree:
set success to true
return right subtree
find largest node on left subtree
save largest key
copy data in largest to root
set left subtree to AVLDelete (left subtree, largest key, success)
if tree is shorter:
set root to deleteRightBalance (root)
return root
삽입 중 균형 (Balance)
function leftBalance (root):
if left tree is higher:
rotateRight (root)
rotateLeft (left subtree)
rotateRight (root)
functino rightBalance (root):
if right tree is higher:
rotateLeft (root)
rotateRight (right subtree)
rotateLeft (root)
회전 (Rotate)
function rotateRight (root):
exchange left subtree with right subtree of left subtree
make left subtree a new root
function rotateLeft (root):
exchange right subtree with left subtree of right subtree
make right subtree a new root
삭제 중 균형 (Delete Balance)
function deleteRightBalance (root):
if tree is not balanced:
set rightOfRight to right subtree
if left of rightOfRight is higher:
set leftOfRight to left subtree of rightOfRight
set right subtree to rotateRight (rightOfRight)
set root to rotateLeft (root)
set root to rotateLeft (root)
return root